Spiritual Objectives
FCA is a "sanctuary" where Christian youths and children are free to pray, sing praises, and worship God. They are allowed to share their faith on campus. Every student is given an opportunity to make a decision for Christ.
Our objective for the spiritual and moral growth of each student is as follows:
- Will understand the necessity of and be invited to be born again by the Spirit of God through the repentance of sin and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
- Will learn and develop a daily habit of devotion and fellowship with God in praise, worship, prayer and meditating in God's Word.
- Will have a solid foundational knowledge of the Word of God.
- Will have self-discipline, personal character and integrity according to the Scriptures, beginning with the fear of the Lord and secondly, willful obedience to the authorities God has placed in their lives.
- Will have developed for himself a Christian world-view by understanding and discerning Biblical truth from cultural life and secular philosophies.
- Shall be able to give an answer of the reason why they believe and be able to defend their faith.
Academic Objectives
Family Christian Academy believes that the beginning of all knowledge is the fear of the Lord, and that knowledge has its foundation in the Word of God. (Proverbs 1:7); Therefore, we accept the Bible as the standard for all moral, social and ethical training. FCA will base all educational training upon the Word of God as the foundation of all truth.
Our educational program, using the traditional approach, is developed to provide a strong foundation in academic subjects, communication skills, reasoning ability and character training.
Our objective for the academic growth for each student is as follows:
- Receive instruction in an environment of order, peace and academic excellence.
- Learn and develop good planning and organizing skills.
- Learn and develop good logical and relative thinking skills.
- Learn and develop independent study and research skills.
- Gain a command of each base subject showing progress through assessment.
- Be fully prepared and competent for the next level of academic study.
Personal and Social Objectives
Our objective for the personal and social development of each student is as follows:
- To have a healthy self-image and acceptance of themselves through the understanding that they are a unique individual created in the image of God with a pre-ordained and divine purpose by God for their lives.
- To understand their importance and call to be a contributing member of society and the surrounding community according to God's Word and take ownership of that call.
- To have a full understanding of and have proper attitudes toward the various institutions God has established within the human race for social stability, peace, and strength. These institutions being Biblical marriage, family, church, and civil authorities.
- To understand that as a child of God, all possessions belong to God in spirit, soul, and body and materially. Thus, the student will maintain balance and fitness in these areas for complete success.